About Nazzam

First of all, what is nazzam?

Nazzam is the Arabic translation of the verb “organize”!

Nazzam® is now a registered trademark, and it is owned by ARMINDS LLC my U.S. company.

My name is Shady Al Aref, an online entrepreneur and a family man.

In this blog I help entrepreneurs who work from home to achieve life work balance, by organizing their lives.

Back to my childhood

I grew up before the personal computer and internet era. I had to live my childhood in Oman, one of the middle eastern gulf countries.

Yes, near United Arab Emirates where the famous Dubai is located.

My childhood wasn’t very social in terms of how people define being social. But I totally enjoyed it.

I loved reading books “from paper” not an iPad or a smartphone.

I loved the smell of the paper, and I could read from a book all day long, without getting bored.

My parents inspired me to be always successful in any field and in any stage of my life.

They didn’t force me to choose a certain college, or work in a certain profession (on the contrary of what most middle eastern parents do).

They just focused on making me successful. And here comes the most important role my mom played.

She taught me how to plan and be organized in a very early age.

My mom was always creating study schedules for me to follow. She was following up and helping me study even when I was resisting.

Because I simply wanted to continue reading, playing with my brothers, or watching cartoons on the only TV channel we had that time in the early 90’s.


After being successful studying in both Omani and Egyptian education systems in parallel, I became really grateful for what mom did.

And I really loved the fact that being organized helped me planning for the future to reach my goals, without compromising my life work balance as a child.

My mom was executing what my dad built in me, several years earlier at a younger age.

In my first school years, at age of 6, and after passing the exams and being the top of my class, my dad said “I am proud of you, and I want you to be always the top and the first in your class”.

My dad was a university professor that time and I was the first child, so he could not resist the temptation to put all his values in my mind at this very young age after noticing the spark of success in my eyes.

Long story short. Whatever I did or passed through since I was 6, was to make them proud. No matter what!

People asked for help, the wrong way!

I have noticed a pattern that was repeated through my entire life.

A very high percentage of people didn’t have the same motivators I had. May be they grew up in a bad environment, or their parents didn’t have the same mentality my parents had.

They started to envy me “surprisingly” in different ways.

I say surprisingly because I wasn’t the most handsome guy in my school or the famous player in the school football team.

Or even popular in any way except being focused on a straightforward goal, being successful and make my parents proud.

Those people who wanted me to fail, didn’t do one simple thing, just ask.

Ask me how I am doing that!

Instead, they fought me “physically”, bullied me, and tried to cheat by copying my exam answers without my approval.

They just didn’t bother to understand how did I become successful although I was in the same school as them and learning from the same teachers.

They were even taking private classes in all subjects. And they didn’t want to understand that planning was everything.

The key is to organize your time and put all the resources where they belong.

My dad used to say “everything has its own time”. Which means, don’t get distracted.

Plan, focus, be patient and everything, every dream, every goal will come eventually.

I didn’t allow the bullies to bring me down, I didn’t get frustrated by the folks who talk behind my back.

I was standing on a solid ground, my childhood values. They were built in my mind. No one can change that.

I decided to respond, the right way!

I started this blog, where I teach people how to be successful, more productive and ahead of their competitors.

I want to help people to reach their goals in any field by simply organizing their lives, and achieve life work balance while doing so.

That’s about me and nazzam, what about you?

Let me know about your story in the comments below.

Shady Al Aref.


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